What birds were they? (...) He listened to the cries: like the squeak of mice be- hind the wainscot : a shrill twofold note. But the notes were long and shrill and whirring, unlike the cry of vermin, falling a third or a fourth and trilled as the flying beaks clove the air. Their cry was shrill and clear and fine and falling like threads of silken light unwound from whirring spools.
James Joyce (1996). “James Joyce: The Poems in Verse and Prose”, Trafalgar Square
![What birds were they? (...) He listened to the cries: like the squeak of mice be- hind the wainscot : a shrill twofold note. But the notes were long and shrill and whirring, unlike the cry of vermin, falling a third or](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/james-joyce/what-birds-were-they--he-listened-to-the-cries-like-the-squeak-of-mice-be--hind-the-wainscot.jpg)