If man is to remain the creator and master of his world then, Stirner maintains, ... all that has been accepted, that has taken on the secure guise of the 'fact', must be return to a state of flux, or be rejected.
John Carroll (2010). “Break-Out from the Crystal Palace: The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky”, p.87, Taylor & Francis
![If man is to remain the creator and master of his world then, Stirner maintains, ... all that has been accepted, that has taken on the secure guise of the 'fact', must be return to a state of flux, or be rejected.](http://cdn.quoteddaily.com/images/john-carroll/if-man-is-to-remain-the-creator-and-master-of-his-world-then-stirner-maintains--all-that-has-been.jpg)