The theater is where I belonged; I simply wanted to be an actress my whole life.
The terrible thing about being blacklisted as an actress was that even though, intellectually, you knew what was happening, you still always wondered whether you weren't being hired because you weren't any good.
I've never understood the notion that actors and actresses should look great on-screen just because they're on-screen. That doesn't make sense to me.
I'm a Native American actress.
Coming from Ireland, its quite hard to do a startup because youre culturally so far away from what everyone else is doing. In the Bay Area, its much easier. Its the equivalent of an actor or actress moving to Hollywood.
I always knew that the only thing I wanted to do was act, but it took me a long time to say it out loud to anyone, let alone myself. I am surprised by how dogged I have been in wanting to make a living as a respected actress.
As far as actresses go, I love Meryl Streep.
If I had known how much I hate auditioning, I doubt I would have become an actress.
Some people are suspicious of others who have more than one talent. I've had poets tell me to my face that an actress can't be a poet.
I'd wanted to be [an actress] all my life.
I like to think of myself as an actress, I think of going through all of the films as my kind of film academy, the way that I've learnt.
As an actress I take roles I find interesting.
Being an actress, it's hard to publish things without people thinking everything is autobiographical.
I lost many a role to actresses who couldnt do the job one-hundredth as good as I could.
I am not an actress. I can only play me - on and off the screen.
Ive felt the pressure of wanting to be known as a young actress rather than just Alisha from Misfits.
There are some roles you just don't say 'no' to. Those compass points: you get them so rarely as an actress.
I wanted to become a model and an actress.
I think Gina Rowlands is an amazing actress.
Right now the music is more of a hobby since I'm making a good living as an actress.
Two of my favorite actresses are Meryl Streep and Angelina Jolie. So, I would love, love, love to work with them. But I also really love AnnaSofia Robb. There are a lot of great actresses I would love to work with.
Queen Victoria - a mixture of national landlady and actress.
When I was younger, I didn't have any aspirations to be an actress.
If you are an actress in L.A., on your 40th birthday they should just hand you the keys to the lunatic asylum.
Diana Vishneva is not only a magnificent dancer but a magnificent actress - no one works harder or understands more.