
Agency Quotes - Page 31

The information that the Secret Service shared with the White House included hotel records and firsthand accounts - the same types of evidence the agency and military relied on to determine who in their ranks was involved.

"Aides knew of possible White House link to Cartagena, Colombia, prostitution scandal" by Carol D. Leonnig, David Nakamura, October 8, 2014.

The financial crisis was a classic case of the political class failing the American people. Twenty-five agencies were supposed to be minding the store during the financial crisis and every one of them was asleep at the switch.

"Carly Fiorina Answers 12 Christian Post Questions for Every Presidential Candidate". Interview with Napp Nazworth, January 4, 2016.

We were given our agency. We must use it wisely and remain close to the Spirit; otherwise, we foolishly find ourselves yielding to the enticements of the adversary.

"Prayer and Promptings". Boyd K. Packer's priesthood session address at the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2009.

The EPA is now the Employment Prevention Agency.

Bob McDonnell RNC speech, August 29, 2012.