
Art Quotes - Page 170

I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste.

Arturo Schwarz, Marcel Duchamp (1997). “The complete works of Marcel Duchamp”, Delano Greenridge Editions

Let us close the springs of racial poison. Let us pray for wise and understanding hearts. Let us lay aside irrelevant differences and make our nation whole.

Johnson, Lyndon B. (1965). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1964”, p.844, Best Books on

I shall ask for brains instead of a heart; for a fool would not know what to do with a heart if he had one.

L. Frank Baum, W. W. Denslow, Ned Halley (2009). “The Wizard of Oz”, p.47, Collector's Library

The nearest to my heart are a king without a kingdom and a poor man who does not know how to beg.

Khalil Gibran “The New Frontier and Sand and Foam”, Library of Alexandria

My goal, if I was going to do art, fine art, would have been to become Picasso or greater.

"Kanye West Lectures at Oxford, Discusses Grammys, Nicki Minaj, The Matrix" by Jeremy Gordon, March 2, 2015.

The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side.

"Honor for Hugo" by Brit Hume, February 06, 2006.