
Art Quotes - Page 20

There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.

There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.

Ulysses S. Grant, John Y. Simon (1969). “The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant: April to September, 1861”, p.7, SIU Press

Nobody should have any illusions. The United States has essentially a one-party system and the ruling party is the business party.

"The United States Has Essentially a One-Party System". Interview with Gabor Steingart, October 10, 2008.

We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again.

Nathanael Greene, Richard K. Showman (2005). “The Papers of General Nathanael Greene”, University of North Carolina Press