
Atoms Quotes - Page 5

What would happen if we could arrange the atoms one by one the way we want them?

Richard P. Feynman (2005). “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman”, p.72, Hachette UK

It is the nature of the self to manifest itself, In every atom slumbers the might of the self.

Muhammad Iqbal (2010). “The Secrets of the Self”, p.19, Cosimo, Inc.

I have never seen what to me seemed an atom of proof that there is a future life. And yet-I am inclined to expect one.

Mark Twain (2017). “MARK TWAIN - The Man Behind the Humor: Complete Autobiographical Books & Biographies: The Complete Travel Books, Essays, Autobiographical Writings, Speeches & Letters, With Author’s Biography; The Innocents Abroad, Roughing It, Life on the Mississippi, What Is Man, Christian Science…”, p.6371, e-artnow

Everything is made of atoms.

Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands (2015). “The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I: The New Millennium Edition: Mainly Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat”, p.67, Basic Books

Language tethers us to the world; without it we spin like atoms.

Penelope Lively (2007). “Moon Tiger”, p.38, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.

Memories are not recycled like atoms and particles in quantum physics; they can be lost forever.

"Lady Gaga is 'Interrupted' in 'Marry the night' preview" by Jocelyn Vena, November 17, 2011.