I was in Australia....Lotta leg room down under. Apartments: dollar a month. 2000-acre den....think of the parties.
I had been reading a lot about pioneers in Australia and the colonization of Australia, and pioneers in Virginia and the early settlers in the United States, and I was fascinated by those communities and how they grew, how their politics developed, and the actual suffering of those people and the tribulations they went through.
Having grown up far, far away in a small country town in Australia, I was only slightly aware of hip-hop.
I couldn't imagine a better place [Australia] for making a film on the end of the world.
The sporting fields where Australia's greats began their careers are built and rebuilt with Commonwealth help, as are the halls and community centres where our most of our well-known stars first felt the magic of the stage.
I’d rather be a straight ‘self-proclaimed homosexual’ than a racist, ignorant, hate-filled bigot in Rise Up Australia any day. This party wants to end multiculturalism and discriminate against anyone different. What this mob intends as a grievous insult, I take as a compliment. Long live equal rights.
I support all Australian films.
In Australia, kids play in American accents.
My working history as an actor is definitely in the theatre; it certainly was in Australia.
I also know Patrick White in Australia, both personally and as a writer, and Salman Rushdie in India.
I want to ensure and the Government wants to ensure that Australia is well prepared to tackle dangerous climate change with a scheme which is both responsible and which meets our international commitments.
I am happy that we are not favorites. To be very honest it's big pressure of being favorites. We were not favorites last time (in 2011) too but we played excellent cricket. Similarly this time, there are teams which play on those bouncy wickets like Australia and South Africa, and are probably bigger favorites than us. But we hope that with the type of resources we have we can do well.
Dance music was really leading the way in the U.K., Europe and Australia. America was always about hip-hop and R&B.
England, Australia, Israel, a few staunch, important allies internationally. But we have lost a lot of international support.
In Alabama this would be a capital case, and if we don't get justice in Australia we're going to pursue the death penalty here
I thought I was actually doing quite well - I was on Jazz FM six days a week. I fancied going to Australia and I had a wonderful experience. It's changed me for the better and it was flattering to win.
I think that it's high time that the Prime Minister stopped making excuses for bad policy and started listening to the forgotten families of Australia.
This is a government which is proposing to put at risk our manufacturing industry, to penalise struggling families, to make a tough situation worse for millions of households right around Australia. And for what? To make not a scrap of difference to the environment any time in the next 1000 years.
I was pointing out the depth of the friendship between Australia and Indonesia and the fact that Australia has been there for Indonesia when Indonesia has been in difficulty.
The the relationship between the prime minister and the monarch is very much a personal one and when it comes to the constitution of the Order of Australia, which is headed by the monarch, this is governed by letters patent, which are a matter between the prime minister and the monarch.
Australia will take more refugees from Syria in response to the growing international crisis but it will not increase the total number of asylum seekers it accepts.
The measure in the budget in relation to parental leave pay is based on a simple proposition. Most women across Australia have access to one scheme funded by the taxpayer. Some women have access to two schemes and that's great.
Well, Michael, we will be telling the people of Australia in good time before the next election exactly what they can expect from us. No surprises, no excuses. They will be our watch words going into the election and afterwards, should we form a government.
It was a positive sign that the conversation took place, it's a sign of the depth of the friendship between Australia and Indonesia.
Australia would play its role in taking displaced people from the Syrian conflict.