
Awful Quotes - Page 6

Iago's soliloquy - the motive-hunting of a motiveless malignity - how awful it is!

Iago's soliloquy - the motive-hunting of a motiveless malignity - how awful it is!

"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations". Compiled by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt and Kate Louise Roberts, 1922.

The best feelings in your life come when you start feeling good after you've been feeling just awful

Robert Fulghum (1993). “Maybe (maybe not): second thoughts from a secret life”

For God's sake bring me a large Scotch. What a bloody awful country.

Said on the aeroplane after visiting Northern Ireland for the first time,

Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.

Mark Twain (1992). “Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn”, p.8, Wordsworth Editions

When there are no women on the tour it can get awful and ugly - constant horrible jokes and gross behaviour. It needs to be leavened with a feminine presence.

"I can't completely let go of drugs - and I don't want to" by Mat Snow, August 23, 2006.

How awful to be a perfect beauty! How confusing! God. Can you imagine?

"Muse flash" by Polly Vernon, May 31, 2003.

The Beatles are not merely awful. I would consider it sacrilegious to say anything less than that they are godawful.

William F. Buckley, Jr. (2016). “A Torch Kept Lit: Great Lives of the Twentieth Century”, p.129, Crown Forum