Body Quotes - Page 43

To change the printout of the body, you must learn to rewrite the software of the mind.
Deepak Chopra (2001). “Perfect health: the complete mind body guide”, Harmony
Dan Millman (2010). “Body Mind Mastery: Training for Sport and Life”, p.16, New World Library
Charles Caleb Colton (1824). “Lacon, Or, Many Things in a Few Words: Addressed to Those who Think”, p.132
Amy Cuddy (2016). “Presença - Aprenda a impor-se aos grandes desafios”, p.312, Leya
Aldous Huxley, Robert S. Baker, James Sexton (2000). “Complete Essays: 1920-1925”, Ivan R Dee
Wayne dyer, Wayne W. Dyer (1981). “The sky's the limit”, Pocket
Dyer, Wayne (2005). “Everyday Wisdom”, p.207, Hay House, Inc
Virginia Woolf (2016). “To the Lighthouse”, p.175, Virginia Woolf
"Leviathan". Book by Thomas Hobbes. The First Part, Chapter 14, 1651.
Thomas Andrews (1889). “The Scientific Papers of the Late Thomas Andrews ...”