I wanted to let form lead my thinking, and repetition always confronts you with the interesting problem of how to break out of a cycle that seems so deterministic, which was germane to the story's concerns.
We are programmed; we are literally programmed genetically and then we are programmed environmentally and most people never break out of that programming.
With the world's unprecedented inspections and access to Iran's program, we'll know if Iran ever tries to break out.
It often looks like an actor's had a big break out of nowhere, but in reality, they've been working their way up, little by little, for a while.
When I turned 30, I just started getting pimples out of nowhere. I do sometimes break out on my chin. So I just use a little RCMA Foundation to cover up a blemish and that's it. I don't do a full face of makeup.
BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand