I think that was the smartest thing [immigration policy], he [Donald Trump] is done in his whole campaign there .
The way campaign funds are distributed are all a matter of record.
The Obama campaign was smarter, quicker on their feet than the Clinton camp.
I know I can serve Hawaii and our country well in the U.S. Senate, know we can mount a solid statewide campaign, know we have a good chance of prevailing.
[I think there are a lot of Americans who are very scared ] that Donald Trump and his campaign, or his future administration, is just in denial. They just want to say, no, no, no, [Vladimir] Putin couldn't possibly have done this.
A lot of times when people are on campaigns, it can be like a movie set.
[Glenn] Thrush's emails to [Hillary] Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta were splashed across screens in newspapers nationwide. Thrush was criticized for sharing a half dozen paragraphs of a draft of a story for Podesta to rebut. Some reporters do just that. Other newsrooms have policies discouraging or forbidding it. Thrush says he does the same for Republicans.
CNN says it did not share its coverage materials with any candidate, party or campaign and says it was completely uncomfortable with [Donna] Brazile's involvement with the [Hillary] Clinton camp.
[Donna] Brazil warned the campaign that [Hillary] Clinton might face a question over lead poisoning during a CNN primary debate, showing her partisan ties.
Ted Cruz knew Ben Carson did not leave the campaign.
Hillary Clinton needs to address the racist undertones of her 2008 campaign.
With trillions of dollars on the line, the [Hillary] Clinton machine is determined to achieve the destruction of our campaign, not gonna to happen. Which has now become a great, great movement, the likes of which our country has never seen before, never ever.
The e-mails show the reporters collaborate and conspire directly with the [Hillary] Clinton campaign on helping her win the election all over.
Hillary Clinton's campaign slogan is, "I'm with her." You know what my response is to that? "I'm with you, the American people."
In each of [my] actions, I'm keeping my promises to the American people. These are campaign promises.
I think you need clarity with financing [for presidency campaign]. I do think this. I think that you need clarity, you have to be able to see who's giving.
I think the best person in her [Hillary Clinton's] campaign is mainstream media.
Jeb [Bush] doesn't really believe I'm unhinged. He said that very simply because he has failed in this campaign. It's been a total disaster. Nobody cares.
I am not behold to any special interest, I've spent a lot of money on my campaign, I'll tell you. I write those checks. Nobody owns Trump.
It is not through any combinations of politicians that the outcome of an electoral campaign is decided.
If anything, Calvin Klein is the iconic company in terms of fashion. They do have iconic images for their campaigns.
In the run-up to the 1992 Democratic convention, Clinton's campaign realized that voters thought the young governor had a privileged upbringing. They didn't buy his alleged concern for the middle class.
I worked for a lot of candidates, in tough campaigns that lost. Most of my candidates lost until Bill Clinton. There was always a point where you look in their eyes and they knew it was over. And there was never that point with Clinton. He never quit. He never gave up.
A lot of today's campaigns are based on optimum positioning but are totally ineffective - because they are dull, or badly constructed, or ineptly written. If nobody reads your advertisement or looks at your commercial, it doesn't do you much good to have the right positioning.
Those who closely watched the campaign should not be surprised by Obama’s hostility toward Israel, given his relations with pro-Palestinian, virulent critics of Israel and his voluntary membership in Reverend Wright’s decidedly anti-Semitic church. Furthermore, his campaign website featured anti-Semitic posts.