Causes Quotes - Page 87

Christendom, as an effect, must be accounted for. It is too large for a mortal cause.
"Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers". Book by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, p. 135, 1895.
Francis Bacon, John Blackbourne, George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) (1730). “Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio ... Opera Omnia Quatuor Voluminibus Comprehensa: Containing, I. His Natural history. II. Physiological and medical remains. III. The new Atlantis. IV. His Apothegms. V. Essays. VI. Colours of good and evil. VII. History of the reign of Henry VII. VIII. History of Henry VIII. IX. Beginning of the history of Great Britain. X. Of a war with Spain. XI. Of an holy war. XII. The history of the office of alienations. XIII. Advice to the Duke of Buckingham, Sir Geor”, p.329
Francis Bacon, Lisa Jardine, Michael Silverthorne (2000). “Francis Bacon: The New Organon”, p.102, Cambridge University Press
I wish to remain nameless And live without shame 'Cause what's in a name, Oh I still remain the same
Because one cause is bad does not make the opposing cause good.
Fay Weldon (2011). “Letters to Alice”, p.68, Hachette UK
Ezra Pound (1960). “Impact: essays on ignorance and the decline of American civilization”
Eric Hoffer (1996). “The Passionate State of Mind”
Eric Hoffer (1980). “The True Believer”
Eric Hoffer (1996). “The Passionate State of Mind”
Epicurus (1964). “Letters: Principles Doctrines, and Vatican Sayings Translated, with an Introd. and Notes, by Russel M. Geor. Indianapolis Merrill”
Emma Goldman, Candace Falk (2008). “Emma Goldman”, p.180, University of Illinois Press
My pen and paper causes a chain reaction, to get your brain relaxing.
Song: Infinite, Album: Infinite
Ellen G. White (2013). “Ellen G. White Review and Herald Articles - Book IV of IV”, p.711, Lulu Press, Inc