
Christian Quotes - Page 267

What can you conceive more silly and extravagant than to suppose a man racking his brains, and studying night and day how to fly?

William Law (1739). “A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life: Adapted to the State and Condition of All Orders of Christians. By William Law, A.M.”, p.120

Ask what Time is, it is nothing else but something of eternal duration become finite, measurable and transitory.

William Law (1740). “An earnest and serious answer to Dr. Trapp's Discourse of the folly, sin, and danger of being righteous over-much. An appeal to all that doubt, or disbelieve the truths of the Gospels”, p.110

He that rightly understands the reasonableness and Excellency of charity will know that it can never be excusable to waste any of our money in pride and folly.

William Law (2001). “A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, adapted to the State and Condition of all Orders of Christians, Volume 4”, p.45, Wipf and Stock Publishers

If evolution wins, Christianity goes!

"The great defender" by Donald McRae, June 10, 2009.

Truly, hope is the saint's covering, wherein he wraps himself, when he lays his body down to sleep in the grave: "My flesh," saith David, "shall rest in hope."

William Gurnall (1865). “The Christian in Complete Armour: A Treatise of the Saints' War Against the Devil, Wherein a Discovery is Made of that Grand Enemy of God and His People, in His Policies, Power, Seat of His Empire, Wickedness, and Chief Design He Hath Against the Saints : a Magazine Opened, from Whence the Christian is Furnished with Spiritual Arms for the Battle, Helped on with His Armour, and Taught the Use of His Weapon, Together with the Happy Issue of the Whole War”, p.180

God, to prevent all escape, hath sown the seeds of death in our very constitution and nature, so that we can as soon run from ourselves, as run from death. We need no feller to come with a hand of violence and hew us down; there is in the tree a worm, which grows out of its own substance, that will destroy it; so in us, those infirmities of nature that will bring us down to the dust.

William Gurnall (1865). “The Christian in Complete Armour: A Treatise of the Saints' War Against the Devil, Wherein a Discovery is Made of that Grand Enemy of God and His People, in His Policies, Power, Seat of His Empire, Wickedness, and Chief Design He Hath Against the Saints : a Magazine Opened, from Whence the Christian is Furnished with Spiritual Arms for the Battle, Helped on with His Armour, and Taught the Use of His Weapon, Together with the Happy Issue of the Whole War”, p.247

Let thy hope of heaven master thy fear of death.

William Gurnall (1821). “The Christian in Complete Armour: Or, A Treatise on the Saints' War with the Devil, Wherein a Discovery is Made of the Policy, Power, Wickedness, and Stratagems Made Use of by that Enemy of God and His People : a Magazine Opened, from Whence the Christian is Furnished with Spiritual Arms for the Battle, Assisted in Buckling on His Armour, and Taught the Use of His Weapons, Together with the Happy Issue of the Whole War”, p.261

Set a strong guard about thy outward senses: these are Satan's landing places, especially the eye and the ear.

William Gurnall (2008). “Extracts from the Writings of William Gurnall”, p.45, Scripture Truth