Citizens Quotes - Page 13

All the citizens of a state cannot be equally powerful, but they may be equally free
Voltaire (1824). “A Philosophical Dictionary: From the French”, p.379
Thomas Jefferson (2011). “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 7: 28 November 1813 to 30 September 1814”, p.304, Princeton University Press
Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.24, Macmillan
"Political Aphorisms, Moral and Philosophical Thoughts" collected and published by Cte. A. G. de Liancourt; edited by James Alexander Manning, 1848.
Their racial characteristics are such that we cannot understand or trust even the citizen Japanese.
Henry L. Stimson's diary statement on the WWII Internment of Japanese Americans, February 10, 1942.
"A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1897". Book by James D. Richardson, 1896-1899.
Under our scheme of government the waste of public money is a crime against the citizen.
Grover Cleveland (1968). “Grover Cleveland, 1837-1908: Chronology, Documents, Bibliographical Aids”
Gordon Brown (2006). “Speeches, 1997-2006”, Bloomsbury Pub Limited
Speech before American Bar Association, New York (August 8, 1978), reported in "What They Said in 1978" by Alan F. Pater, Jason R. Pate, (p. 168), 1979.
Asked where he came from, he said, "I am a citizen of the world."
"Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book 6: The Cynics". Book by Diogenes Laërtius translated by R. D. Hicks, 1925.
Simon Cottee, Thomas Cushman, Christopher Hitchens (2008). “Christopher Hitchens and His Critics: Terror, Iraq, and the Left”, p.5168, NYU Press