[Donald Trump] will stand on the principles that have underpinned his commitment to end illegal immigration in this country. And that's what people will learn more about in the days ahead.
At XL, we tackle risk like no one else, analyzing deeper and listening closely to our clients to create solutions that unleash the world's capacity to advance. By helping our clients unlock their full potential, we fulfill our own. Our new brand demonstrates this unique outlook and the commitment and value we bring to clients.
Mutual commitment helps overcome the fear of failure—especially when people are part of a team sharing and achieving goals. It also sets the stage for open dialogue and honest conversation.
Rock and roll is commitment. Rock and roll is passion and spirit.
We've gotten commitments from medical schools, from nursing schools, to step up and increase that pool of knowledgeable individuals.
We got a commitment that 3 million nurses are going to be trained to better identify these signs [of PTSD], because, you know, when these troops come home and they become veterans and they go back into the civilian community, they're not always going through the VA system for medical care. They're going to show up at community hospitals and clinics.
A person is said to have good character when their habits, dispositions and conduct reflect a deep commitment to ethical virtues and moral principles.
Tad Homer-Dixon is a rare kind of public intellectual, who combines real expertise with a commitment to communicate to the widest possible readership. In The Ingenuity Gap he wants us all to wake-up to the fearful possibility that our blithe trust in science and technology may be misplaced. Human ingenuity may not be capable of coping with two emerging crises of this century and the next: population growth and environmental despoliation. Read Homer Dixon's wake-up call and you will see the future very differently.
The party's got to see itself as being one public service organization in a very competitive field, all of whom are competing for the allegiance and commitment and brains of the next generation. They've got to be big enough to reach out to those groups and say "come on in."
I'm more interested in pulling out strands of joy from both myself and the audience. I'm not saying the music or songs are "light," just that when they're performed with the correct commitment it's a source of real pleasure, for me anyway.
I know the commitment that TV requires but it's nice to come to work and have fun.
Because of their excessive commitment to a literal Bible, fundamentalist Christians have fallen into the trap of biblioltry.
My commitment to the Bible [is my] source of progressive values.
I was supposed to go up for something recently that was a six-year commitment, and I didn't want to do it. It was a terrible part as well. I don't want to be doing six years of something. I'd go crazy.
All believers can increase their commitment to God by reflecting on His faithfulness and by considering the forms such commitment should assume in their experience.
I've developed a huge regard for Toyota for its environmental awareness, for its immense commitment to research and development in this field, and for its leadership in developing hybrids which others are now following.
Our detachments move us toward freedom and death.
By multiplying ironies, I evade commitments.
As we move forward into this 21st century, we encourage all of you to take a positive step toward universal understanding. Touch people with the message of love. Pray for the peace and happiness of people in all other lands and cultures. Make a commitment to world peace by honoring the earth, honoring its people, and celebrating the unity of the human spirit.
Using human rights commitments more effectively, either as part of negotiations in the WTO or as part of the trade policy review process, poses issues of equality in a practical venue.
I agree with those who argue that it is possible to distil from the religions of the world their common values and relevance. As far as I'm concerned I am involved in a complementary process with people who have a moral or spiritual commitment to human rights.
Movies are a commitment. They take years of your life and they have big consequences. That's one of the bad things about movies - you're stuck with the aftermath.
The disassociation between inner belief and outer behaviour allowed many people to enjoy a sense of retaining their inner decency while at the same time not risking any loss of livelihood, any compromise over career ambitions, let alone any potentially more sanctions; hence never revealing any signs of disagreement or openly showing anything less than apparently full commitment to the regime and its policies
Just in our lifetime our society has become looser and more private, it becomes extremely difficult to hold to any permanent commitment whatever, least of all to organized religion.
Commitment is a word that cannot stand alone. We must always ask, "Committed to what?" . . . . let us be committed to . . . using Jesus Christ as our master teacher.