Our Government is investing in stronger communities by supporting the important work of charities by reducing their administrative burden, encouraging charitable giving and allowing charities to use modern electronic tools.
The Perkins Bar has always demonstrated a commitment to the community and excelled in service not only to the minority community, but to the community at large.
The community isn't nearly as afraid as it thinks it is.
I wouldn't want the federal government dictating how I use my cameras, every community has their own issues and their own dynamics.
I must say the Linux community is a lot nicer than the Unix community. A negative comment on Unix would warrent death threats. With Linux, it is like stirring up a nest of butterflies.
There's a real rebirth in the artistic community to stand up for what you believe in.
[The integrative system] deals with such matters as respect, legitimacy, community, friendship, affection, love, and of course their opposites, across a broad scale of human relationships and interactions.
One of the things I'm most proud of that we've done here at WFMU - after various failed attempts - is to create a really healthy online community that feeds into the physical real-world community. It's spawned meet-ups in other cities. People even get married - they meet online from these chats that accompany every single program and are a really big part of what we do.
I have always had deep concerns about anyone's philosophy being imposed on the entire community.
This is essential that we have a resurgence in democratic participation. And I don't mean big-D Democrat, I mean small-D democrat. I mean getting involved in your neighborhood, your community. This is no time to say, "I'm not into politics." This is a time to go headlong into the welfare of this nation.
Do what you love in your community.
North Carolina is home to some of the largest financial institutions in the country, and a vibrant network of community banks. We're a banking state, and we're proud of that distinction. But we also understand that responsible financial regulation protects consumers and businesses.
I love the theater so much, and it's where I feel most comfortable. I love the people and the community.
I think that food ties us to our community and our traditions, and it's the thing that makes us feel good and connected.
The indiscreet questioner - and by indiscreet questions I mean questions which it is not conceivably a man's duty either to the community or to any individual to answer - is a marauder, and there is every excuse for treating him as such.
I use the setting of a small rural Norwegian community - the kind of place that I know so intimately. I could never write a novel set in a big city, because, frankly, I don't know what it would be like.
I have been a lifelong community activist and frankly did not dream of being in public office.
The Bahamas has a lot to say about the issues that affect it - the specific issues that also affect other communities. It offers a unique level of looking at, of entering a story. It's just like a mini-world.
Throughout my childhood, I had served as an interpreter for my family. When I left home, I also left the Deaf community. I'd had enough of being a de facto intermediary and wanted to find my own identity. But, over time, I learned to embrace both cultures and find balance between them. I love my Deaf and CODA family and hope they would be proud to call me one of their own.
Osho is one of India's greatest mystics.... I see him as one of the world's great teachers, thinkers, philosophers and guides of our times. I have enormous respect for his world vision and the kind of International Communities he is building. I have always felt his influence in my life.
To Brian Ellis, you owe my family and this community and apology for a disgusting and despicable smear campaign.
The human condition is what it is. We can see beauty and wonder in the world, but we also face imminent death and uncertainty, and we often need to sidestep the idea of time and communicate with each other, not with words but with a sense of community and union. I don't want to make an overreaching statement, but I think that's the function of culture.
In minority communities there's a sensitivity, often a knee-jerk reaction, to critical representations. There's a misunderstanding of what an artist does.
What we [writers] do might be done in solitude and with great desperation, but it tends to produce exactly the opposite. It tends to produce community and in many people hope and joy.
Community care is a fundamental, an essential, an enduring part of our aged care system.