Creation Quotes - Page 16

Creation occurs when ideas and individuals collide and collude.
Richard Koch (2003). “The 80/20 Individual: How to Build on the 20% of What You do Best”, p.14, Crown Business
Rhonda Byrne (2011). “The Secret”, p.168, Simon and Schuster
Rabindranath Tagore (2015). “The Religion of Man”, p.66, Ravenio Books
Pope John Paul II (1996). “The Encyclicals of John Paul II”, Our Sunday Visitor (IN)
Pope Francis (2014). “My Door Is Always Open: A Conversation on Faith, Hope and the Church in a Time of Change”, p.56, A&C Black
Gardening has compensations out of all proportion to its goals. It is creation in the pure sense.
Phyllis McGinley (1962). “The province of the heart”
Choosing what you want to do, and when to do it, is an act of creation.
Peter McWilliams (1994). “Do It!: Let's Get Off Our Buts”, Prelude Press
Its the fate of all creators: They fall in love with their creations.
Katherine Applegate, Michael Grant (2012). “Eve and Adam”, p.116, Egmont UK
Marc Ecko (2015). “Unlabel: Selling You Without Selling Out”, p.285, Simon and Schuster