"Kim Basinger on Good Kissing, Her Academy Awards Outburst, and Conversations with God". Interview with Lawrence Grobel, movieline.com. January 1, 1991.
"Interview: Justin Bieber Talks About His Top 5 Rappers, Selena Gomez, and Growing Up In The Game". Interview with Joe la Puma, www.complex.com. March 30, 2012.
"EXCLUSIVE: Julianne Hough Reveals Her Favorite Exercises for the Best Arms, Legs, Abs and Butt!". Interview with Lauren Zima, Zach Seemayer, www.etonline.com. June 21, 2016.
"EXCLUSIVE: Julianne Hough Reveals Her Favorite Exercises for the Best Arms, Legs, Abs and Butt!". Interview with Lauren Zima, Zach Seemayer, www.etonline.com. June 21, 2016.