Dancing Quotes - Page 9
If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing.
Song: Is That All There Is?, 2003
The Brothers Grimm, Andrew Lang, Lewis Carroll, Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери, Шарль Перро (2016). “Fairy Story / Сказки Мира (ENGLISH EDITION + RUSSIAN EDITION): The Classic Fairy Tales And Folktales / Классика Всемирного Наследия”, p.85, Slavamax BVBA
William Shakespeare (2001). “Hamlet”, p.220, Classic Books Company
Mary Oliver (2012). “A Thousand Mornings: Poems”, p.18, Penguin
"Writings and drawings".
Cotton Mather (1820). “Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, The Ecclesiastical History of New-England, from Its First Planting in the Year 1620, Unto the Year of Our Lord, 1698”, p.228