Dangerous Quotes - Page 4

Life is parallel to Hell but I must maintain and be prosperous, though we live dangerous.
Song: N.Y. State of Mind, Album: Illmatic, 1994
"Divergent". Book by Veronica Roth, 2011.
Saint Teresa of Avila (1976). “The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila: Volume 1”, p.279, ICS Publications
The most dangerous error is failure to recognize our own tendency to error.
B.H. Liddell Hart (2015). “Why Don't We Learn from History?”, p.24, Lulu Press, Inc
Joseph Eger, Albert Einstein (2005). “Einstein's Violin: A Conductor's Notes on Music, Physics, and Social Change”, Tarcher
Saul Bellow (2015). “Ravelstein”, p.1, Penguin
Doing for people what they can and ought to do for themselves is a dangerous experiment.
Samuel Gompers, John McBride, William Green (1922). “The American Federationist”
Isak Dinesen (2011). “Seven Gothic Tales”, p.55, Vintage