My opponent Senator Menendez and his colleagues are pursuing what I consider a Jon Corzine economic policy. Higher taxes, more spending, more debt.
Is the price of sin something that can be paid off like a debt?
I can tell you if you look at the polls, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, they do not think we should increase the debt limit.
We call for a bailout for an entire generation that is basically held hostage by unpayable student-loan debt.
There's one other element I just want to be sure to mention here: that is that there are 43 million young people who are locked into predatory student loan debt for whom there is no way out in the foreseeable future given the economy that we have: this predatory Wall Street driven financialized low-wage service industry economy.
Not only has the debt (of our sins) been fully paid, there is no possibility of ever going into debt again.
Less than a year after loading the company up with debt, Romney and Bain gave themselves bonuses four times bigger than the $8 million they had put into the deal.
We must also take this opportunity to learn from the situation [of Brexit], just as we learned from the refugee and debt crises.
If you default on an unsecured debt, you won't lose anything (except points on your credit score).
If you have even a smidgen of doubt that you'll be able to stay away from racking up additional debt, don't do it.
Debt settlement companies work as a middleman between you and your creditor. If all goes well (and that's a big if), you should be able to settle your debts for cents on the dollar. You'll also pay a fee to the debt settlement company, usually either a percentage of the total debt you have or a percentage of the total amount forgiven.
If you are, consolidating at a lower interest rate can help you pay off your debt faster. But if there's even a small chance that you'll spiral back into debt, it's not for you.
If you're filing bankruptcy, you will likely want to hire an attorney. But for debt settlement, a company is sufficient, or as I said, you can often do the legwork on your own.
If you are able to settle, you'll be getting off rather easy. Debt settlement companies can sometimes get you off the hook for a large percentage of your debt - in many cases, up to 50% will be written off.
If you'd asked me a few years ago about debt settlement companies, I probably would have told you to avoid them.
You really don't need to hire a debt settlement company to negotiate with your creditors.
No company can promise an end date, but if you have multiple debts, the first one should be settled within a year.
Rolling all of your debts into a single loan is a good idea - in theory. In fact, it can be a great idea.
One thing I want to make clear: You never want to hide from your debts. It doesn't work.
You normally don't get a margin call unless your securities, minus the debt, are worth 30% or less of their nominal market value.
Do what ya have to do to pay off yer debt with Heaven,’ he said, his concern for proper speech abandoned. ‘But ya do not die on me, ya understand? I can’t live without ya. Yer all I got, woman.’ Her breath caught in her lungs. ‘I don’t want to be here if you’re not.
You would expect to see that first in high-yield [debt], but it was in the most liquid thing in the world. So that, I think - it's a little bit of a warning that we've got to be prepared and just be careful.
Debt is always repaid, either by the borrower or by the lender.
Well obviously the economy is critical to everything we do and we need to get the economy back in shape, the deficit down, the debt paid off, so that the economy can grow again and grow properly.
Some troubles, like a protested note of a solvent debtor, bear interest.