
Design Quotes - Page 48

What I love about design is the artistic and scientific complexity that also becomes useful.

What I love about design is the artistic and scientific complexity that also becomes useful.

"Michelle Obama At The National Design Awards: HELLO YELLOW!" by Anya Strzemien, August 24, 2009.

I live proudly in a body of my own design. I defend my right to be complex

Leslie Feinberg (1998). “Trans liberation: beyond pink or blue”, Beacon Pr

A garden without its statue is like a sentence without its verb.

Joseph Warren Beach (1925). “Meek Americans: & Other European Trifles”

I like design, I like details, to me it is just another form of self-expression.

"Wearing John Malkovich" by Teo Kermeliotis and Rosie Tomkins, January 21, 2010.