Destiny Quotes - Page 41

I knew it like destiny, and at the same time, I knew it as choice.
Jeanette Winterson (2006). “Lighthousekeeping”, p.186, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
James Patterson (2005). “The Angel Experiment: A Maximum Ride Novel”, p.63, Hachette UK
Tropic of Cancer ch. 1 (1934)
"The Brothers Karamazov". Book by Fyodor Dostoevsky, part 2, book 5, chapter 4, p. 291, 1945.
No attempt must be made to encase man, for it is his destiny to be set free.
Frantz Fanon (1967). “Black Skin, White Masks”, p.230, Pluto Press
"Whipping Star". Book by Frank Herbert, "From The Wreave Commentary"; p. 136, 1969.
Elizabeth Gilbert (2010). “Committed: A Sceptic Makes Peace With Marriage”, p.22, A&C Black
Egon Friedell (2008). “A Cultural History of the Modern Age Vol. 1: Renaissance and Reformation”, p.229, Transaction Publishers
Charles Franklin Kettering (1961). “Prophet of progress: selections from the speeches of Charles F. Kettering”
Carl Sandburg, Margaret Sandburg, George Hendrick (1999). “Ever the Winds of Chance”, p.156, University of Illinois Press