Distance Quotes - Page 67

We went our separate ways, but within walking distance of one another.
Patti Smith (2010). “Just Kids”, p.213, A&C Black
Souls bound together can't be forever torn apart by distance and neither by death.
Patti Callahan Henry (2006). “When Light Breaks”, p.63, Penguin
Death when unmasked shows us a friendly face and is a terror only at a distance.
Oliver Goldsmith, David Masson (1869). “The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith”, p.693
Nora Roberts (2011). “Nora Roberts' Bride Quartet”, p.204, Penguin
Noam Chomsky (2004). “At War with Asia”, p.203, AK Press
Nick Hornby (1999). “About a Boy”, p.232, Penguin
In the distance, he could see Molly lying in the tall grass off to the side of the house.
Nicholas Sparks (2010). “The Choice”, p.175, Hachette UK