With all due respect to the world's great drummers - it ain't brain surgery.
I read somewhere that drummers are practically Olympic athletes. I feel pretty good, most of the time. After 38 years, I can't expect much better than that!
As regards my feelings about drummers - there's Buddy Rich, and then there's everybody else.
I do like to look at female drummers, because I am one.
Hi. I'm Rachel Trachtenburg. I'm the daughter and the drummer for the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players.
I've gotten hernias from drummers when they drop tempo.
I warm naturally to the drummer whose ideas and approach are strong, even if he doesn't quite have the ability to carry them out.
Drummers haven't managed to develop their individuality quite as well as guitarists have. We can be so focused on the nuts and bolts that we overlook the importance of individuality - the broader picture, if you will.
I'm the drummer that kind of plays more on top of the beat.
Lars [Ulrich] of Metallica is one of the worst drummers I've ever heard, but they hide it because they spend millions recording.
I am the best rock drummer on the planet.
It's not often that an English drummer gets an Oscar. So I'm very, very proud of that.
Every man must walk to the beat of his own drummer.
I've always identified myself as a drummer first and foremost - I'm pretty obsessed with rhythm.
My drummer is my favorite drummer in the world, and he also happens to be the funniest person you'll meet.
The majority of my training was as a drummer, and drummers are basically accompanists.
I really like working with drummers, I like being able to bounce ideas off drummers.
I think that we just take our time with everything. We don't feel that there's a rush to become something that we're not yet. We like to really feel things out and know what we're doing. We hadn't ever really played a lot of shows live after we released our EP, and that's when we started doing it - we started playing out live consistently right after we released our EP and we got a new drummer because Shannyn [Sossamon] had quit.
I was born and grew up in the Deep South, and I must say it wasn't easy for me. I always marched to a drummer, I had different views about politics and religion and I had them relatively young.
If you call someone up on a mistake - if the drummers put an extra beat in a bar or something - you have a lot more authority if you can show them how to do it right.
Make the drummer sound good.
One of the things I'm adamant about as a bandleader is not micromanaging. I'm an advocate for the concept of allowing everyone to be fully vested in what they're doing, so everyone contributes whatever they're inspired to contribute. Our music is not about me; I contribute one part, one experience, and drummer Terreon Gully brings something completely different.
I've been watching a lot of Joan Didion interviews on YouTube. I love her. My drummer has gotten me into looking at Terence McKenna interviews.
Before you can follow your own drummer, you have to hear the drummer.
As a composer I approached the drums differently than a non-composing drummer. I embraced drum machines.