Earth Quotes - Page 31
Diamonds are to be found only in the darkness of the earth, and truth in the darkness of the mind.
Victor Hugo (1980). “Les misérables”, Viking Pr
Thomas Malthus (2015). “An Essay on the Principle of Population and Other Writings”, p.47, Penguin UK
Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change”, p.148, Mango Media Inc.
Rebecca Solnit (2014). “The Encyclopedia of Trouble and Spaciousness”, p.22, Trinity University Press
Pope Francis (2016). “Care for Creation: A Call for Ecological Conversion”, p.40, Orbis Books
Michael Collins, Charles A. Lindbergh (2001). “Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut's Journey”, p.471, Rowman & Littlefield
Max Lucado (1999). “When God Whispers Your Name”, p.22, Thomas Nelson Inc
Max Lucado (2013). “Grace for the Moment: Morning and Evening Devotional Journal”, p.450, Thomas Nelson Inc
Jeffrey McDaniel (2002). “Splinter Factory”, p.55, Manic D Press
J. Vernon McGee (1983). “1 Corinthians Through Revelation”, Thomas Nelson Inc
J.R.R. Tolkien (2012). “The Lord of the Rings: One Volume”, p.355, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt