
Earth Quotes - Page 92

They who live in history only seemed to walk the earth again.

They who live in history only seemed to walk the earth again.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1856). “Poetical Works by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Illustrated with Upwards of One Hundred and Sixty Engravings on Wood, from Designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster, Etc”, p.203

They, the holy ones and weakly, Who the cross of suffering bore, Folded their pale hands so meekly, Spake with us on earth no more!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1849). “The Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ; Complete in One Volume”, p.10

Labour is the human element which makes the fruitful seasons of the earth useful to men.

Henry Ford (2015). “My Life and Work: Top Biography”, p.7, 谷月社

God's judgement begins to fall on the Earth.

"Greg Laurie: Watered-Down Mainline Christianity Is a Sign of the End Times (Interview)". Interview with Samuel Smith, August 29, 2016.

Upon Love's bosom Earth floats like an Ark Safely through all the Deluge of the dark.

Gerald MASSEY (Poet.) (1854). “Poems and ballads ... Containing the Ballad of babe Christabel ... Revised and corrected by the author”, p.29

We can only penetrate the rind of the earth.

Georges Louis Leclerc comte de Buffon (1817). “A Natural History, General and Particular: Containing the History and Theory of the Earth, a General History of Man, the Brute Creation, Vegetables, Minerals, Etc. Etc”, p.6

Seek on earth what you have found in heaven.

"The Unpractised Heart" by Leonard Alfred George Strong, (p. 147), 1942.