Enemy Quotes - Page 3

Pope John Paul II, Achille Silvestrini, Jerome M. Vereb (1999). “A Pilgrim Pope: Messages for the World”, p.272, Andrews McMeel Publishing
Lal Bahadur Shastri (1967). “Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri commemoration souvenir”
Blaise Pascal, Isaac Taylor (1838). “Thoughts on Religion and Philosophy”, p.202
Benjamin Franklin (2008). “The Way to Wealth and Poor Richard's Almanac”, Nayika Publishing
Hope in God. If you have good hope and faith in Him, you shall be delivered from your enemies.
Saint Joan (of Arc) (1961). “Joan of Arc: Self Portrait”
Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.
Charles Spurgeon (2009). “Essential Works of Charles Spurgeon”, p.1428, Barbour Publishing