Energy Quotes - Page 81
Jeremy Rifkin (2014). “The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism”, p.14, Palgrave Macmillan
Attributed by Jeane Kirkpatrick in her August 20, 1984 speech to the Republican national convention in Dallas, Texas, as cited in "Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History" (rev.), edited by William Safire, W. W. Norton & Co., (p. 1029), 2004.
Jean Baudrillard (1989). “America”, p.40, Verso
Jay Inslee, Bracken Hendricks (2013). “Apollo's Fire: Igniting America's Clean Energy Economy”, p.286, Island Press
James Redfield (2001). “The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight”, p.36, Hachette UK
Ilchi Lee (2002). “Brain Respiration: Making Your Brain Creative, Peaceful, and Productive”, p.49, Healing Society