Errors Quotes - Page 17
Thomas Jefferson, Richard Holland Johnston, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson”
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1951). “Precepts and counsels on scientific investigation: stimulants of the spirit”
James Hutton (1788*). “Theory of the earth; or an investigation of the laws observable in the composition, dissolution and restoration of land upon the globe. (From. the Trans., Roy. soc. of Edinb.).”, p.51
Joy Elmer Morgan, Horace Mann, Eleanor Craven Fishburn (1938). “Horace Mann at Antioch”
Henry Ward Beecher, Edna Dean Proctor (1858). “Life Thoughts: Gathered from the Extemporaneous Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher”, p.32
"Aphorisms". Book by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Notebook J 146, 1799.
Carl Sagan (2011). “Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark”, p.43, Ballantine Books
Benjamin Franklin (2016). “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”, p.21, First Avenue Editions
No one is exempt from the rule that learning occurs through recognition of error.
Alexander Lowen (1994). “Bioenergetics”, Penguin Group USA
National Review, January 16, 1962.
Walter Lippmann, Clinton Rossiter, James Lare (1982). “The Essential Lippmann: A Political Philosophy for Liberal Democracy”, p.157, Harvard University Press