Evil Quotes - Page 24
Anna Brownell Jameson (1877). “A commonplace book of thoughts, memories and fancies, original and selected”, p.72
The devil doesn't wear prada; I'm clearly in a -- white tee.
"Song: "Goblin"("Goblin")". 2011.
Robert Hayden (2013). “Collected Poems”, p.98, W. W. Norton & Company
Philip Yancey (2003). “What's So Amazing about Grace?”, p.89, HarperCollins Christian Publishing
Martin Luther King (Jr.), Alex Ayres (1993). “The Wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr”, Plume
Keith Haring (2010). “Keith Haring Journals: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)”, p.132, Penguin
Anthony Burgess (2011). “A Clockwork Orange”, p.13, W. W. Norton & Company
"Advice to Young Men, and (Incidentally) to Young Women, in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life (Letter 2)". Book by William Cobbett, 1829.
"They Found the Secret: Twenty Transformed Lives that Reveal a Touch of Eternity".
All evil begins with this belief: that another’s existence is less precious than mine.
Tony Hendra (2007). “The Messiah of Morris Avenue: A Novel”, p.91, Macmillan
Theodore Roosevelt (1894). “From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776 - - v. 2. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783”, U of Nebraska Press