
Exile Quotes - Page 2

Lots of times you can feel as an exile in a country that you were born in.

Lots of times you can feel as an exile in a country that you were born in.

Interview with Robert Birnbaum, February 5, 2004.

The doubt of future foes exiles my present joy.

c.1568 'The Doubt of Future Foes'.

We live in the age of the refugee, the age of the exile.

"Novelist-playwright Ariel Dorfman". "The Tavis Smiley Show", November 1, 2011.

The end of exile is the end of being.

Angela Carter (1997). “Burning your boats: the collected short stories”, Penguin Group USA

Show us your Christ, Lady, after this our exile, yes: but show Him to us also now, show Him to us here, while we are still wanderers.

Thomas Merton, M. Basil Pennington (2005). “Thomas Merton: I Have Seen what I was Looking for : Selected Spiritual Writings”, p.58, New City Press

Rome is no longer in Rome, it is here where I am.

"Sertorius". Book by Pierre Corneille, act III, scene I, 1662.

Thou Paradise of exiles, Italy!

"Julian and Maddalo" l. 57 (1818)

No one drives me into exile, not even the nationalists.

"SPIEGEL Interview with Orhan Pamuk 'No One Drives Me into Exile'". Interview with Dieter Bednarz and Annette Grossbongardt, May 2, 2007.