Marketers have to move upstream now. We have to stop being the last step in the process and start being the first step.
Now for the first time, you can choose yourself. You can be responsible for what you do and how you do it. You have to do the hard work of finding and pleasing an audience.
Blaming the system is soothing because it lets you off the hook. But when the system is broken, we wonder why you were relying in the system in the first place.
The digital asset that matters is trust. Awareness first, then interaction, and maybe a habit, but all three mean nothing if they don't lead to permission and trust. The privilege of connection. Everything else is slippery.
Great work is always shunned at first.
Every revolution destroys the average middle first and most savagely.
The first step to getting good is admitting that you aren't (yet).
By being remarkable, being genuine, you can be worth connecting with. And you don't have to have it figured out perfectly the first time - you can adjust.
An artists is someone who does something for the first time, something human, something that touches another.
The first must that any director has is to not force his public.
I've always made some legendary comebacks since 1998 when it first started. So that's kind of just been my MO for my whole career.
When I first started really playing, in '98, I was super excited to see all the people I grew up watching. ... I loved Monica Seles, Steffi Graf, and Pete Sampras.
The first step towards amendment is the recognition of error.
Extreme remedies are never the first to be resorted to.
The attacks of 9/11 came out of Afghanistan. It was a failed state, a rogue nation. That's why al Qaeda was there in the first place.
Congress is like first grade, only not as well behaved.
Now 'Boondock II,' people are gonna see it because they liked the first one. There won't be very many people who go see it who aren't familiar with the first one.
Nothing in the fact that there was a first moment in time necessitates that an external something is required to bring the universe about at that moment.
I love the first hour of a horror movie, the fear and anticipation. Then, when it gets bloody, I lose interest.
You don't have to shoot the film in the first couple days of principal photography.
I like my first lines short and declarative. No complicated sentences. Of course, that's not really a Scott thing. It's pretty classic grab-the-reader technique.
The first day, week and month of an employees experience carries a lasting impression.
I joke with my kids, who love history, that I'll be the only governor to be elected twice in his first term.
The first time I remember really being excited about a book was The Count of Monte Cristo.
My Republican colleagues say, Let's do the cuts first. The Democrats say, Let's do spending first. I'd like to do both simultaneously.