
Generations Quotes - Page 2

Every generation rediscovers and re-evaluates the meaning of infancy and childhood.

Arnold Gesell, Frances Lillian Ilg (1951). “Infant and Child in the Culture of Today: The Guidance of Development in Home and Nursery School (From the Former Clinic of Child Development, School of Medicine at Yale University)”

Every deed has a seed. In other words, the deeds you choose to do in this lifetime create a seed for future generations.

Jentezen Franklin (2011). “Fasting Journal: Your Personal 21-Day Guide to a Successful Fast”, p.66, Charisma Media

It is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced.

"Brokaw shares the stories of a generation of heroes". January 20, 1999.

You are all a lost generation.

Quoted in Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises (1926). In Stein's Everybody's Autobiography (1937), she wrote: "It was this hotel-keeper who said what it is said I said in this way. He said that every man becomes civilized between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. If he does not go through a civilizing experience at that time in his life he will not be a civilized man. And the men who went to war at eighteen missed the period of civilizing, and they could never be civilized. They were a lost