If this is a good-luck month for us, that would be great.
Seth trotted over to Kendra. Bringing good luck as usual It was a weak pass okay
You know how misleading an image is. You see an image in the newspaper, if they left the caption off, good luck knowing what's going on. There is something inherently misleading about images, so they need annotation.
I don't like expeditions where it is a total lottery whether you live or die. You have to keep those sort of good luck cards for rare occasions!
Action helps you think and raises your self-esteem. Good luck happens when you're in action. Ask yourself, "Does this go toward or away from what I want?" There's an animal in us, and it has great instincts. Scan for a desire and follow it. Set a goal, any goal, and start doing everything you can think of to achieve it.
Good luck, I'm beginning to discover, is just as baffling as the bad. There never seems to be a reason for it - no sense of reward or punishment. It simply is - the most incomprehensible idea of all.
I listen to my iPod as I walk on. If I'm winning I'll listen to the same song, that's like a good luck thing - usually The Black Eyed Peas' Let's Get It Started.
It wasn't like I felt I was on a wave. It was just so easy. It is only afterwards that I thought I really had a bit of good luck going on there with Yazoo.
One never hugs one's good luck so affectionately as when listening to the relation of some horrible misfortunes which has overtaken others.
Jessica Alba. I have the biggest crush on her, I can't even tell you. I met her in Vancouver when she was filming 'Good Luck Chuck.
Now the bigots have to get creative. Good luck coming up with slurs for Chechens. Go back where you came from, Ushanka head.