AR-15s, in particular, are often called America's gun. They're some of the most popular rifles in the country, especially when it comes to sports shooting.
Somebody asked me what do you regret. I said, well I was offered the role of Maverick in 'Top Gun' and I turned it down.
If someone's carrying a gun or a knife it's not a nice thing. They aren't going to feel that comfortable with it. It's a scary position to put yourself in. You don't choose to do that unless you feel there's absolutely no other option and you're forced to carry a weapon in order to protect yourself.
Nick could see the gun shaking in Alan's hand now, in tight, terrified spasms. "Last night we put a magician in the river," Alan said, his voice low and intense as if he was making a promise."Maybe we should send you to join him." "You know the rules," the woman whispered. "Don't shoot the messenger." Nick interrupted, leaning down to speak in her ear. "Do they say 'Don't cut the messenger in half with your great big sword'?
In countries like Afghanistan, the corruption is in your face. In Nigeria, I heard of judges making sex the bargaining chip rather than money. Now let's put that in the context of an honor-based society. Imagine that you're the brother of a woman who got raped by a judge to have her case heard in court. What do you want to do? You want to kill the judge. So here is an insurgent movement that hands you a gun. You have rage, and they give you an outlet for your rage.
The legacy of Ronald Reagan will live on forever. I, of course, had the wonderful opportunity of working with him and getting to know him personally. A more wonderful person you couldn't meet. I think the coming down of the Berlin Wall will always live in infamy. I treasure his friendship and appreciate so much what he did for me personally and for the issue of reducing gun violence.
We would like to see, in the future, what we will probably call needs-based licensing of all weapons. ...Where it would make it much more difficult for anybody to be able to purchase handguns.
I think it [getting a gun] should be like getting a pilot's license. I think you should require training to get a license to have a gun.
My personal opinion is that guns kill people.
But I'm not particularly comfortable around guns.
I hate guns, I think they're the worst thing ever invented.
It was in the nineties. [Bill] Clinton was president. And Clinton was making, you know, the usual Democrat move on guns after some of event, and Wayne LaPierre said, "I think the president's comfortable with a certain level of violence."
If you hit minorities they're gonna blame conservatives, Second Amendment, guns, and the terrorists won't get their due credit. So from now on acts of terror, only hit white people, because hate crimes against them are permitted, and the media will play it up.
The Democrat Party is in as much trouble as the Republican Party is for different reasons. But if they have to go back to "taxing the rich," if they have to go back to "gun control," it is a sure sign things are in a state of great disarray. In addition, Mrs. Clinton wants to make abortions totally free for people on Medicaid.
Hillary Clinton has said numerous times in this campaign, "If Congress doesn't act to end the plague of gun violence in America," that she will do so by executive action. Now, what is she going to do?
That's what Donald Trump said when he starts talking about, "The Second Amendment people might have..." "You're not taking my guns. No matter who you appoint to the court, you're not taking my guns," is all it means, pure and simple. If everybody could just take a breath here and let's get back to who's really doing damage to our country.
Any new gun control is simply gonna infringe on the law-abiding ability to exercise constitutional rights. There's not a single law that could be written, that has been written, that could be passed that would stop Omar Mateen from getting a gun and shooting people up.
I agree that actually taking existing stocks of ammo away from people is problematic, but they can certainly keep people from buying any new ones. They can hoard themselves. They can buy it up themselves. They can demand the manufacturers stop selling it or they can demand the manufacturers start making new ammo for which there is no gun. There are any number of ways they can do. But the point is, don't doubt their intention here.
Do not forget that there are millions of Americans, who when they hear about gun control measures, are gonna be loudly applauding it. You know how many dumkoffs there are out there who think that it is the gun that is the problem in our culture, and you know how people believe in this gun control business 'cause whatever reasons they support it. You know it's gonna be applauded, and it's gonna be applauded in the Drive-By Media.
Gun control and the specifics of it, like immigration, it's not really about the substance when it comes to RINO Republicans supporting it. It is about appearing sophisticated. It's about appearing superiorly educated, and it's about qualifying for admittance in the club of elites. And you'll never be invited to the right parties, cocktail or otherwise, in Manhattan or Washington or LA or San Francisco or what have you.
Here they are today, the Democrats; they're making this big deal about how this woman [Hillary Clinton] has overcome all of this discrimination. She has overcome the biggest guns of opposition that have been arrayed against her!
We haven't been leading anybody. We've been acquiescing to a bunch of linguini-spined leftists all over the world, at the United Nations, in NATO, wherever it is. The people who don't even pay for their own defense. The people that don't even believe in guns and bullets to protect yourself are the people we have been acquiescing to. And they think this is called leadership. Leadership is sponsoring America's decline. Leadership is administering America's decline. Leadership is admitting that America's superpower status was never deserved or warranted.
The states is where resistance is opposition to Obamacare is taking place. The states is where tax reform is taking place, starting. The states is where whatever opposition to the latest crisis of the day is, be it health care, immigration, or guns. The states - the majority of which have Republican governors - are where this is all being dealt with, and you're not hearing about it. They don't get a lot of press coverage, but that's where this is happening.
You have to keep in mind that there's a number of logistical hurdles that they have to jump through in Europe in order to get explosives or guns. So for example, the Villejuif shooter in April 2015 who planned to attack a church: According to French press reports, he was instructed by ISIS to go to a sandwich shop, and the weapons would be waiting for him in a car parked outside. He was just told the make of the car, told to go there, told to pick them up. Putting that kind of attack together, using encrypted communications or other means, is not easy.
Looking back, one of the things I love most about my mom was that she never, ever relented. She stuck to her guns right up until the end. She wasn't abusive, but she was never that thrilled that I was gay.