His Love Quotes - Page 3
Jane Austen (1833). “Northanger abbey [followed by] Persuasion”, p.426
Warren W. Wiersbe (2011). “Prayer, Praise & Promises: A Daily Walk Through the Psalms”, p.9, Baker Books
[I]t is His good pleasure that we remain always in the holy joy of His love.
Saint Vincent de Paul (1985). “Correspondence, Conferences, Documents: I. Correspondence. v. 1. 1607-1639”, BNA Books (Bureau of National Affairs)
Thomas Brooks “Heaven On Earth”, Lulu.com
Every day we may see some new thing in Christ. His love hath neither brim nor bottom.
Samuel Rutherford (1765). “Joshua redivivus, or Mr Rutherford's letters”, p.273
William Maxwell, Christopher Carduff (2008). “Early novels and stories”
God is great. God is faithful. And His love is set upon us. We come as we are, with trembling trust.
Rumi (2015). “Selected Poems”, p.148, Penguin UK
God’s love to us cannot fail any more than His love to Christ can fail.
Jerry Bridges (2016). “Trusting God”, p.149, NavPress
J. I. Packer (1973). “Knowing God”, Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press
Hans Urs von Balthasar (2004). “Love Alone is Credible”, p.64, Ignatius Press
Ellen Hopkins (2013). “Perfect”, p.475, Simon and Schuster
Ann Voskamp (2012). “One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces”, p.156, Zondervan