
Hot Quotes - Page 9

Short of screaming-hot Thai food, everything can be suitable for kids too.

Short of screaming-hot Thai food, everything can be suitable for kids too.

"Save on a Memorial Day party, Guy Fieri-style" by Candice Choi, May 19, 2011.

I had a love for photography, which of course rolled into cinematography.

Interview with Emma Brown, August 1, 2014.

I photograph the things that I do not wish to paint, the things which already have an existence.

As quoted in an interview "Man Ray: Photographer" published in Camera, edited by Philippe Sers, 1981.

A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words.

Ansel Adams, Nancy Wynne Newhall, M.H. De Young Memorial Museum (1963*). “Ansel Adams, photographs 1923-1963”