Integrity Quotes - Page 58

"Life of John Boyle O'Reilly, together with his complete poems and speeches edited by Mrs John Boyle O'Reilly" by James Jeffrey Roche, New York, (p. 195), 1891.
James E. Faust (1990). “Reach Up for the Light”, Salt Lake City, Utah : Deseret Book Company
We are more inclined to regret our virtues than our vices; but only the very honest will admit this.
"Social Problems". Book by Henry George, Chapter IX, 1883.
Henry David Thoreau (2015). “Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience: Top American Literary”, p.206, 谷月社
George Soros (1995). “Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve”, Wiley
Eric Hoffer (1980). “The True Believer”
Eric Hoffer (1980). “The True Believer”
Elizabeth Inchbald (1808). “The British Theatre: Or, a Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the Theaters Royal ... : With Biographical and Critical Remarks. Such things are. Every one has his fault. Wifes as they were. Lover's vows. To marry or not to marry”
"Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge". Book by E. O. Wilson, 1998.