Everyone of you got to where you are because someone influenced you.
If we don't own our manhood someone else will.
It is estimated over 80% of all illnesses today are spiritual in nature.
Sin will do a number on you.
God gives enabling grace to go on.
Integrity - No one will ever use conjuctions talking about you. "He is a good preacher... but..."
Jesus Christ was the ultimate influencer. My life has been influenced by Jesus more than anyone else.
Show more interest in their story than your own.
Any moment you're willing to give up your fig leaves, which you think are covering you, God will give you His righteousness, which will really cover you.
You can't forgive your sin. Only God can.
Uriah proved to be a better man drunk than David was sober.
You can't lead people you don't believe in.
I don't know of a way to have a generous church without a generous pastor.
The Christian life is anything but boring.
Lord, give us a ministry where the sun will never set.
We ought to love the sinner and hate OUR sin.
Most people don't have someone to believe in them.
You can know you're a Christian if, not are you dealing with your sin before God but is God dealing with you about your sin.
The best thing there is to do when there is temptation is run.
You can't touch the world by giving up a Starbucks...We've dumbed it down.
That's what wrong. We've got people whose wallets have not been baptized.
The godly are not exempt from trouble but are preserved in it.
All our good works and good intentions can't solve our sin problem.
The beginning of knowledge is to know thyself a sinner.
You're never more like Jesus than when you're giving.