Liberty Quotes - Page 94
"United States v. Di Re". Judicial opinion, 1947.
"The Alien" by Katherine Applegate, (p. 151), 1997.
Joseph Hall, Josiah Pratt (1808). “The Works: Now First Collected : with Some Account of His Life and Sufferings. Devotional works”, p.65
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's remarks during a discussion on Catalan and Spanish nationalism and the inclusion of the term nation-state in the Statute of Catalonia (translated from Spanish), October 6, 2005.
Jonathan Swift (1801). “The Works ...”, p.45
Jonathan Mayhew (1750). “A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers: With Some Reflections on the Resistance Made to King Charles I, and on the Anniversary of His Death: in which the Mysterious Doctrine of the Princes' Saintship and Martyrdom is Unriddled: the Substance of which was Delivered in a Sermon Preached in the West Meeting-house in Boston the Lord's-day After the 30th of January, 1749/50...”, p.54
John Stuart Mill (2008). “Utilitarianism and On Liberty: Including 'Essay on Bentham' and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin”, p.99, John Wiley & Sons
John Stuart Mill (1870). “The Subjection of Women ... Third Edition”, p.180
John Ruskin (1861). “Selections from the writings of John Ruskin ... With a portrait”, p.334
John Quincy Adams (2017). “John Quincy Adams: Diaries 1821-1848”, p.541, Library of America
'Areopagitica' (1644) p. 31
John Milton (2012). “John Milton Prose: Major Writings on Liberty, Politics, Religion, and Education”, p.680, John Wiley & Sons