Light Quotes - Page 150
Man marks the earth with ruin - his control stops with the shore.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage canto 4, st. 179 (1818)
Lin Yutang (1937). “The Importance of Living”
Libba Bray (2010). “A Great and Terrible Beauty”, p.249, Simon and Schuster
Li-Young Lee, “The City In Which I Loved You”
Leonardo Da Vinci (2015). “Thoughts on Art and Life: "Behind the Genius"”, p.56, eKitap Projesi
Song: Waiting For The Miracle, Album: The Future, 1992
Leo Tolstoy (2011). “War and Peace: Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky”, p.475, Vintage
Laozi, Brian Browne Walker (1992). “Hua Hu Ching: Teachings of Lao Tzu”
Do not forget in the darkness what you have been promised in the light.
Katie J. Davis (2011). “Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption”, p.204, Simon and Schuster
The human mind delights in grand conceptions of supernatural beings.
Jules Verne, Jules VERNE (2016). “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea / Vingt mille lieues sous les mers (Bilingual Edition: English - French / Édition bilingue: anglais - français)”, p.7, Jules Verne
Jules Feiffer (1978). “Ackroyd”, Avon Books
Joyce Rupp (2003). “The Star in My Heart: Experiencing Sophia, Inner Wisdom”, Sorin Books
Joseph Sittler, Steven Bouma-Prediger, Peter W. Bakken (2000). “Evocations of Grace: The Writings of Joseph Sittler on Ecology, Theology, and Ethics”, p.77, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
I learned long ago to accept the fact that not everything I create will see the light of day.
Joseph Barbera (1994). “My Life in 'Toons: From Flatbush to Bedrock in Under a Century”, Turner Pub