Light Quotes - Page 177
Khalil Gibran (2017). “The garden of the prophet”, p.23,
I have been enlightened. I have fallen into poetry and it has swallowed me up.
Keith Haring (2010). “Keith Haring Journals: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)”, p.73, Penguin
Kate Chopin (1899). “The Awakening”, p.33
Joseph Delaney (2008). “The Spook's Curse”, p.283, Random House
Joseph Conrad (2005). “A Personal Record: Some Reminiscences”, p.18, Cosimo, Inc.
Joseph Campbell (2008). “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”, p.334, New World Library
Song: The Dawntreader, Album: Song to a Seagull
The Battle of the Books (1704) See Matthew Arnold 27
Jonathan Swift (1800). “Tale of a Tub: written for the universal improvemend of mankind”, p.140
Jonathan Safran Foer (2013). “Everything Is Illuminated”, p.132, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
John Updike (1991). “Odd Jobs: Essays and Criticism”, Alfred A. Knopf
John Ruskin (1866). “The seven lamps of architecture”, p.142
John Piper (2010). “Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions”, p.39, Baker Academic
John Muir (1969). “Two Essays on the Mountains & Meadows of the Sierra Nevada”
John Milton, Elijah Fenton, Samuel Johnson (1821). “Paradise lost”, p.94
Among unequals what society Can sort, what harmony, or true delight?
1665 Adam. Paradise Lost (published1667), bk.8, l.383-4.