May Quotes - Page 72

Whatever harm the evil may do, the harm done by the good is the most harmful harm.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1977). “The Portable Nietzsche”, p.199, Penguin
I object to teaching of slogans intended to befog the mind, of whatever kind they may be
Franz Boas (1932). “Anthropology and Modern Life”, p.261, Transaction Publishers
Frank Herbert (2008). “Dune Messiah”, p.99, Penguin
Francis Fukuyama, United States Institute of Peace (1990). “A Look at "The end of history?"”, United States Inst of Peace Pr
I may be arrested, I may be tried and thrown into jail, but I never will be silent.
Emma Goldman (2016). “Anarchy and the Sex Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896–1926”, p.107, PM Press
Elizabeth Gaskell (2010). “The Complete Works of Elizabeth Gaskell (20+ Books)”, p.1420, BookCaps Study Guides
Desiderius Erasmus (1959). “The Praise of Folly”
Cotton Mather (1820). “Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, The Ecclesiastical History of New-England, from Its First Planting in the Year 1620, Unto the Year of Our Lord, 1698”, p.94
Arnold Bennett (2009). “How to Live on Twenty-four Hours a Day: Easyread Super Large 24pt Edition”, p.13,
Anne Bradstreet, Jeannine Hensley (1967). “The Works of Anne Bradstreet”, p.283, Harvard University Press
Adyashanti (2011). “Falling into Grace: Insights on the End of Suffering”, p.10, Sounds True