
Mountain Quotes - Page 5

Organic farming appealed to me because it involved searching for and discovering nature's pathways, as opposed to the formulaic approach of chemical farming. The appeal of organic farming is boundless; this mountain has no top, this river has no end.

Eliot Coleman (1995). “The New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener, 2nd Edition”, p.288, Chelsea Green Publishing

It is a fine thing to be out on the hills alone. A man can hardly be a beast or a fool alone on a great mountain.

W. Plomer (ed.) 'Selections from the Diary of the Rev. Francis Kilvert' (1938-40) 29 May 1871

Hiking alone lets me have some time to myself.

"Biography / Personal Quotes".

Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.

Benjamin Franklin, William Penn (2012). “Franklin's Way to Wealth and Penn's Maxims”, p.43, Courier Corporation

There are those who, attracted by grass, flowers, mountains, and waters, flow into the Buddha Way.

Dogen (2004). “Beyond Thinking: A Guide to Zen Meditation”, p.53, Shambhala Publications