Mourning Quotes - Page 2

The sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow from which we refuse to be divorced.
Washington Irving (1835). “The complete works of Washington Irving in one volume with a memoir of the author”, p.270
George Washington Cable (1988). “The Grandissimes: A Story of Creole Life”, p.9, University of Georgia Press
The true way to mourn the dead is to take care of the living who belong to them.
Edmund Burke “The Correspondence of Edmund Burke”, CUP Archive
Catherynne M. Valente (2014). “The Fairyland Series”, p.273, Macmillan
Thomas Brooks (1866). “The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks. Ed”, p.12
"The Annals & The Histories".
Og Mandino (2009). “The Greatest Secret in the World”, p.66, Bantam
The Seagull act 1 (1896)
Roland Barthes (1990). “A lover's discourse: fragments”, Penguin Books
You do not see the river of mourning because it lacks one tear of your own.
"Voices". Book by Antonio Porchia, 1943.
Thomas Campion (1909). “Campion's Work”
Mourning is one of the most profound human experiences that it is possible to have.
Edwin S. Shneidman (1995). “Voices of Death”, Kodansha Globe
Edward Everett (1836). “Life and Speeches”