I love acting; I love movie sets and movies, but, at the same time, there's something about the position of women in that world that frightens me a lot. I find it nearly inhuman to be an actress.
Both my parents work in film. They're crew. I love movies, and I just wanted to be involved. I got really lucky. I auditioned for a while and then started making films.
I love movies that ask big questions but don't necessarily answer everything. I like people walking out thinking about something.
When I was in Boy Scouts, back in the day, we'd tell stories around the campfire. That's why I love movies. It's literally you and your friends, telling stories around a campfire, whatever they may be.
I love movies and I like a lot of good television. At the end of the project, I don't care if they changed [it from the book], I just want to look at it and go, "I loved that. That really turned out well."
I personally just love movies about the creative process.
I love movies that are saying things that people might find odd at times. I don't find them odd at all. They give me comfort.
I love movies with spectacle but spectacle can be a performance, it doesn't have to be a creature.
I love movies that have that resonating scare, that really get under your skin and make you think.
I love movies that are just straight-up exploitation, but the ones that endure and the ones that last are the ones where the filmmakers put in that extra level of thought; after 25 years you put them on in front of an audience, and they'll respond to it and enjoy it.
I love movies. I mean, I really, really love movies.
I love movies, I love being a part of them, and this is the one occupation I love living and playing in and stressing myself out over.
I love movies. That's still my favorite form of escape, and I usually end up going alone. I love to go and sit in the theater by myself, no distractions.
I love movies, but I think people think relationships are supposed to go how they go in movies. The ones I like are the ones that represent life.
And being as I'm somebody who loves movies like The Machinist, I also love going along to big mass entertainment movies. I get in the mood for all kinds of movies, and so I like to try each of them.
Isn't Hollywood - and I love movies - a lot of it about a big lie?
It always seemed to me like it was a significant thing to do with one's life to be an actor 'cause I love movies and I felt like, not to be grandiose about it, but there is something important about film with the function it provides to general society.
I love movie directors. I don't care who it is.
I mean, look, I love movies, not just the ones I make... In fact, I don't like the movies I make very much.
I love movie-making. I'm interested in writing and directing, and I've dabbled, but I haven't done anything I care to brag about. Yet.