Shopping online is fantastic for comparison shopping, because never before have you had the ability to see all the prices offered from everybody at one time.
The Metropolitan Museum has all of our collections online, all our scholarly publications and catalogues since 1965. We have online features like the timeline of art history.
The whole press thing and who you are in the media, or what you have to project yourself to be, it feels very much like another person. People say to me, "Oh, your life must be changing," and I'm like, "Uh, I guess?" For me, it's such a gradual change, and I don't see it from the outside like everybody else does. It's weird, I see my face on a bus or online or somebody has my picture as their picture on Twitter and it's all a bit weird and I feel very disconnected from it and very much, "I guess that's me." It's very surreal.
Let me finish my music, and let me present it the way I want to present it. And then share it, put it online, do whatever you want to do after that.
I'm hoping that these series, that originally aired in the 80's and 90's, prove to be as entertaining online and on portable devices as they were when first broadcast on network television.
I don't know of any source for online maps showing the platform, stairs, escalators, elevators, mezzanines and other station details.
Merely transferring the content of existing newspapers online and expecting payment won't work because they are two separate business concepts.
Charging for news online won't work if what is provided is the same as is available elsewhere.
I study how governments seek to stifle and control online dissent.
Fake news is a product of the internet that is not transparent. Fake news can spread online because as users we have no idea where any of the content we see comes from.
You thought you could figure that out online? Somehow I don't think hellions are much into social networking.
Anything I really want I can find online.
Even if I'm not so into the specific celebrities who are sharing images of themselves looking "bad," I think it's an amazing contribution to the conversations about beauty that we have online.
When we started OD2 in 1999, we were really expecting to work more with independents and so on because the major labels were spending millions on their own Pressplay and equivalents online, which haven't been very successful.
The only things that erased my lonliness were written works
They also can combine voice with instant messaging and online file sharing.
An online job search seems cheaper. But what HR is doing is turning away valuable candidates. They're experiencing false negatives. That means the right person applies for the job electronically but the algorithm kicks them out so they lose that individual.
By the year 2000, most Americans will be online one way or another.
I don't spend a lot of time online.
The most potent thing we can do is to bring more compassion online.
Online we have a compassion deficit
I don't think a true company - one that builds sustainable value - can ever only exist online or remotely.
Short forms are returning online. Interactivity is coming back; it was always there in oral storytelling. Each form has its pluses and its minuses.
Short forms are returning online. Interactivity is coming back; it was always there in oral storytelling.
I'm just online too much. I drink too much. A lot of bad things.