
Opportunity Quotes - Page 204

I try not to take for granted how lucky we are to have life and breath and opportunity. Once we've got that, we can conquer anything.

"Debbi Fields Talks The Importance Of Persistence And Staying Present In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, October 27, 2013.

Embrace the work opportunity you have today. It may be the stepping-stone you need on your way to success.

Dan Miller, Jared Angaza (2012). “Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate”, p.23, Thomas Nelson Inc

Money is all about opportunity cost. Every time you spend on something, that's something you can't spend on something else.

"Mental depletion complicates financial decisions for the poor". Interview with Kristen Doerer, January 19, 2016.